No Taxation Without Representation - A Stan Klos Website
Taxation Without Representation"

The phraseology “Taxes … are imposed upon the people
without their consent” is the best one could hope for in the early rhetoric of
the American Revolution. No
Taxation John Hancock Signed Document
“no taxation without representation” slogan sounds good orally, but
would be completely out of character in writing of the period..
This “No Taxation” document pictured below is of supreme importance because John Hancock was the only
“signer” to actually sign the Declaration in July of 1776 (The other members
signed August the 2nd 1776). He
was the President of Continental Congress and a key force in making Independence
a reality. While historians can
argue whether John Adams, Samuel Adams, or James Otis, was more important at the
beginning of the revolution, Hancock
is without question valued more highly.
The issue of taxation without representation was first
raised by James Otis in 1764, but the only documents of similar content that
have been on the market are a few printed pamphlets from 1765 through 1768.
None are signed. Furthermore,
broadsides are generally much more valuable than pamphlets.
The Dunlap broadside of the Declaration is now worth more than $8.1
million unsigned with 25 copies known to exist.
This printed one sided Hancock document is signed and only two others are
known to exist.
importantly, this particular document had a demonstrable effect – it changed
the world!
In response to the Boston Town meeting that issued this
document, the governor called for British reinforcements (noted in the third
paragraph). Also as a direct
consequence of this document, the meeting called for here took place in Faneuil
Hall on September 23 to September 28, 1768, with 96 towns answering Hancock’s
On the final day of the meeting, warships arrived in Boston
with the first British reinforcements, and on October 1 two regiments arrived
from Halifax, effectively beginning British occupation of its own colony.
British troops stayed in Boston until forced to evacuate in March 1776.
This is a document that can be read and studied in Socratic
detail. In one page this John Hancock
Document represents all the issues leading to independence. Taxation, commercial differences between the parent country
and colonies in a mercantilist system, opposition to a standing army in time of
peace, the right to petition “expressly recognized at the glorious Revolutions
as the Birthright of an Englishman,” dissolution of American assemblies, anger
at clumsy British Colonial Office threats,
fear of France, popular calls for conventions such as this (culminating in the
Continental Congress), local democracy, etc…
Even the inconsistencies of the patriots can be studies
through this document. Was it fair
to say everyone must arm in fear of imminent war with France, but also
complaining about British troops that would protect you?
And irony using France as the big-bad-wolf, soon to be America’s most
importantly ally. And what happened
later to the right to petition, if the purpose of the petition was to oppose
There is no more important precursor to the
Declaration of Independence in private hands today than this John Hancock
document. It is extremely rare with
copies only in the Massachusetts Historical Society, New York Historical
Society, and the Morgan Pierpont Library in New York.
Virtualology is proud to
present a document that is truly on a par historical and monetary value of the
unsigned July 1776 broadsides of the Declaration of Independence.
equally detrimental to the Commercial interests of the Parent Country and her
Colonies, are imposed upon the People, without their Consent…”
Circular Letter Signed “John
Hancock,” also signed “Joseph
Jackson,” “John Ruddock,”
“John Rowe,” and “Samuel Pemberton” as Selectmen of Boston, to the Selectmen of
Petersham, one page; Boston, September 14, 1768.
A seminal document from the beginning of America’s
struggle for independence.
Partial Transcript: (Boldface added):
“YOU are
already too well acquainted with the _hreatenin [sic] and very alarming
Circumstances to which this Province, as well as America in general, is now
reduced. Taxes
equally detrimental to the Commercial interests of the Parent Country and her
Colonies, are imposed upon the People, without their Consent; - Taxes designed
for the Support of the Civil Government in the Colonies, in a Manner clearly
unconstitutional, and contrary to that, in which ‘till of late, Government has
been supported, by the free Gift of the People in the American Assemblies or
Parliaments; as also for the Maintenance of a large Standing Army; not for the
Defence [sic] of the newly acquired Territories, but for the old Colonies, and
in a Time of Peace. The decent,
humble and truly loyal Applications and Petitions from the Representatives of
this Province for the Redress of these heavy and very _hreatening [sic]
Grievances, have hitherto been ineffectual…The only Effect…has been a
Mandate…to Dissolve the General Assembly, merely because the late House of
Representatives refused to Rescind a Resolution of a former House, which
imply’d nothing more than a Right in the American Subjects to unite in humble
and dutiful Petitions to their gracious Sovereign, when they found themselves
“The Concern and
Perplexity into which these Things have thrown the People, have been greatly
aggravated, by a late Declaration of his Excellency Governor BERNARD, that one
or more Regiments may soon be expected in this Province…
“Deprived of the Councils of a General Assembly in this dark and
difficult Season, the loyal People of this Province, will, we are persuaded,
immediately perceive the Propriety and Utility of the proposed Committee of
Following their failure to enforce the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act
(forcing Americans to house British troops) of 1765, the British Parliament
tried again in 1767 by imposing the Townshend Acts that disbanded the New York
legislature until they complied with the Quartering Act, and imposed duties on
lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea.
In February, Samuel Adams and James Otis drafted – and
the Massachusetts Assembly adopted – a circular letter to the other American
Assemblies protesting these taxes. They
expressed the hope that redress could be obtained through petitions to King
George III, and called for a convention to discuss the problem and draft
petitions to the Crown. The British
government, however, provoked a confrontation by ordering the Massachusetts
Assembly to rescind the letter and ordered Governor Bernard to dismiss the
assembly if they refused.
As this circular letter clearly indicates, both
contingencies came to pass. In the
wake of political opposition and mob violence in Boston, Governor Bernard asked
for British protection. The
Convention called for in this letter was held on September 23 to 28 in Faneuil
Hall, with 96 Massachusetts towns represented.
On its final day, English warships arrived in Boston Harbor with the
first British reinforcements. The
convention composed a list of grievances, passed several resolutions, and
adjourned. Two days later, royal
transports unloaded British troops at the Long Wharf and began a military
occupation of Boston that would last until March 17, 1776.